The acupressure ring

Massage ring

An acupressure ring is a device placed on a finger or toe, then rolled up or down to stimulate the acupressure points. It is known by many names, such as massage ring, finger massage ring, Chinese medicine ring and figit. Whatever the name, it has the same purpose.

What is acupressure?

Acupressure is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy based on the concept of vital energy circulating through the “meridians” of the body. Meridians are channels through which specific points of the body move. When activated, these points open up the meridians that allow energy to pass unhindered. Pressure is applied to specific points in the body to activate them. The body then functions like a clock and released nuances of back pain, headaches and many other undesirable conditions.

Acupression vs acupuncture vs reflexology

The difference between acupressure and acupuncture is that acupuncture uses needles to penetrate the skin, while acupressure simply uses some force. Both modalities use the Meridian system.

It should also be noted that both acupressure and reflexology use pressure points. However, reflexology uses a different energy principle as well as different points on the feet, hands and ears. It uses a different “map” than that used by acupressure.

The meridian system is like a body map that specifies where energy flows. Practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine believe that barriers to these pathways cause discomfort or illness in a person.

Acupuncture tests were conducted to identify areas of the body that were somehow related to a particular health problem. They discovered that these points were organized and followed a single pattern. Thus, the meridian map has been developed.

There are 365 acupuncture points (or acupuncture points). Each point belongs to a specific meridian channel. There are 12 main meridians and 8 smaller ones.

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